Sunday, July 29, 2007

Feast of St Peter and At Paul (June 29th)

This solemn feast was already celebrated in the Deposition Martyrum, as early as 354 and on this same date at a time when St. Peter’s basilica at the Vatican was still under construction. In the time of St. Ambrose (339-397), the solemnity was celebrated in three station churches and also with a vigil liturgy, but in the seventh century the liturgy was celebrated on two different days, with the feast of St. Paul assigned to June 30. in some of the Eastern Churches the double feast was celebrated on June 28.
According to ancient tradition, Simon, whose name was changed to Peter (meaning rock), died by crucifixion with his head near the ground, as was the Roman custom for the crucifixion of slaves. Recent excavations confirm that the martyrdom of St. peter, around the year 67, took place on the Vatican hill, where the basilica of Constantine was constructed.
Paul of Tarsus, whose name was originally Saul, was a Pharisee and a persecutor of Christians. He converted to Christianity after his extraordinary experience on the road to Damascus (Ac 9:1-19). After his second imprisonment at Rome, he was beheaded (around the year 67, according to Tertullian) not far from the basilica that was given to the care of monks in the sixth century.

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